First Holy Communion
Families with a child (children) becoming seven years old or older by springtime are welcome to register for First Holy Communion classes. The procedure is to attend faith formation classes during the fall term, and then transfer to a series of classes during winter and spring that focus more specifically on the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Reconciliation (confession). Please contact Joy Erickson at paula@stolafschurch.org or 360-779-4291 for further information.
We invite families with middle-school and high-school youth to register for the formation journey of preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Our classes are on Thursday evenings at 6:30pm, beginning in October and culminating in May. During the weeks when we do not meet in class, a home-video lesson is assigned using the Ascension Press “Chosen” curriculum. For further information, please contact Joy Erickson at paula@stolafschurch.org or 360-779-4292.
Infant Baptism (up to 7 years old)
Parents and godparents anticipating the baptism of a child (children) are invited to our Baptism Preparation class. This class is scheduled regularly throughout the year, on Thursday evenings, from 6:30pm – 9:00pm. Please feel free to bring your babies and children along, as this class is very family-friendly. In addition to teaching the theology of Baptism, we discuss all the necessary paperwork and review the dates for the actual Baptism celebration. Please contact paula@stolafschurch.org for further information. Favor de platicar con Christina Contreras kingston82@live.com para información en Español.
The schedule for Baptism preparation classes for 2024/2025 is:
January 30
February 13
March 13
April 10
May 8
June 19
July 24
All classes are from 6:30pm – 9:00pm. Pre-registration is required. Call the parish office at 360-779-4291 or email Paula at paula@stolafschurch.org .
A number of ministries support the liturgical life of our parish family. Hospitality Ministers support our arrival and going forth from Mass, and help with other roles such as conducting the financial offering. Lectors proclaim the Word of God from the ambo (lectern) along with the Prayers of the Faithful. Sacristans set-up for Mass, care for our religious supplies (candles, books, bread & wine, etc.), and set the altar during Mass. Please contact Valerie Lint at paa@stolafschurch.org for more information about Hospitality. For information about serving as a Lector, please contact Mary Payne at jmpaynewa@aol.com.
We offer choir and instrumental music in both English and Spanish, including training to serve as cantor. Our rehearsals are on Thursday evenings during the school year, with summers off for vacation. Throughout summer we sing in what we call “Choir Lite”. Please contact cindy.lint01@gmail.com for the English choir and macourtright@comcast.net for the Spanish choir.
Youth Faith Formation
Our faith formation for youth grades pre-K through 12, meets on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month after the 10:30am Mass from 12 Noon to 1:30 pm. Registration is required for all youth ministries. Please contact paula@stolafschurch.org for questions and further information.
Adult Faith Formation
Adult Faith Formation (OCIA) meets on Wednesday evenings, 6:30pm -8:00pm. OCIA will take the form of a journey with those seeking to celebrate the sacraments of initiation at Easter. We will explore a wide spectrum of topics from within our Catholic tradition and strive to come to know Jesus in a more intimate way. This is also open to anyone who wishes to learn more about their faith and deepen their relationship with God.
Please contact paula@stolafschurch.org or the parish office at 360-779-4291 for further information. In addition, we offer a series of classes and retreats throughout the year. Please refer to our monthly bulletin for the latest retreat information.
Did you know that we have 18 acres of land on our campus? Woodlands, meadows, a creek, flower gardens, lawns, a cutting garden (for decorating the church), and more. Continuing to build our beautiful, peaceful, and ecologically healthy landscape is a ministry into which we invite any who might enjoy this work and have a desire to learn of our vision for native vegetation restoration. Please contact Valerie at paa@stolafschurch.org or 360-779-4291 to learn more.
St. Vincent de Paul
Some among us are called to embrace the spiritual path of finding Christ in the presence of the poor in our midst, and in the practical sharing of our resources to help alleviate poverty. We are known as “Vincentians”, a global family following a simple religious rule. We gather regularly for prayer and mutual support. For our work, we respond, on behalf of the parish, to each and every request we receive for material or financial assistance. To learn more about Vincentian life, please contact 360-779-9980.
Knights of Columbus
We are building a bridge back to faith through our works of charity, which is the heart of our work and our faith – it always has been. For Knights of Columbus, charity means supporting a virtually boundless variety of projects. Our commitment to charitable service is just one of the many ways that we express our Catholic faith. We are here to build a daily bridge back to what matters for our members and fellow Catholics. With 2.1 million members around the world, we have been investing our time, effort, and resources into our values of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism since 1882. The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal benefits society, which means we can provide financial security to members and their families, while turning premiums into charitable impact. Msgr Hugh O’Flaherty Council 8297 is your local Council here at St. Olaf’s. You may reach our Grand Knight at 360-362-7852 or at kofc8297@gmail.com. Our website is www.kofc8297.org
Join us if you are a Catholic man over the age of 18 and would like to share our passion. We welcome you!
The Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary, a global apostolate, is actively working in our Parish Family of St. Olaf/St. Cecelia, as an extension of work through our pastor, Father Mark and Parochial Vicar, Father Albert.
Membership is open to all men and women 18 years and over. Grow in profound devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and participate in the work of the community in our parish, at the direction of our pastor, by joining the Legion of Mary.
Men and women are cordially invited to come and meet the legionaries either by stopping by the parish gift shop in the social hall, the second Sunday of the month after mass, or by attending our weekly meeting on Tuesday evenings from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Gallagher Center, St. Olaf Campus.